When you purchase a new Linux shared website hosting package, it is generated on a server and the process will take a while, not mentioning the validation and processing of the payment, which most companies make personally. When you acquire a dedicated server, for instance, the setup takes even longer as the unit must be assembled, set up and tried in order to ensure that it'll operate effectively. This is the reason why a lot of suppliers have a one-time fee to cover the time and efforts spent on your new account. The cost, which sometimes is high, is normally not displayed on the front page, but you'll notice it on your checkout or payment page, so you will not be aware of it before you have already gone through the whole registration process and you may even overlook it if you don't pay close attention.
Setup Fee in Shared Website Hosting
If you get a shared website hosting package through us, you'll never have to pay any kind of setup fees. For that matter, we do not have other hidden charges of any type too. We respect every single client and it's our concept that if you get any sort of package from us, you should not pay anything more than the cost for your website hosting plan. You will not discover any sort of concealed charges before or after your order, which shows you that we are a dependable and loyal supplier. The cost of a shared web hosting plan is the same everywhere on our web site - the front page, the order as well as the payment pages. Because we also provide immediate account activation, you will not have to wait for hours or days in order to begin building your web site.
Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you buy a semi-dedicated server package through us, you'll pay just the monthly fee that is already displayed on the site. Your account will be made on our servers and we will activate it in a few minutes without additional cost. This is valid for every single monthly fee and regardless of the total number of accounts that you purchase. It's our principle that it is unreasonable to charge you extra money for a task that we've virtually fully automated, so that you'll never see any kind of setup charges or any other hidden costs. Because of this, the costs which are displayed on our front page, on your payment page and on your bank statement will always be exactly the same.
Setup Fee in Dedicated Web Hosting
Our Linux dedicated servers hosting packages lack any installation or other hidden charges. Through the signup process, you shall pay only the regular monthly price for the plan that you have selected. Once you submit your order, we will assemble and test your new machine, then we'll set up all of the software that you will need so as to have a completely operational server - OS, web hosting Control Panel if you have chosen one, web server, MySQL, etc. All these tasks are part of the package and come free of cost, therefore the registration payment and your forthcoming renewal payments will be exactly the same. If the server features our custom-built Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you curently have a shared web hosting account through us, we can even transfer all of your content on your brand new server at no extra charge.